Piran is a town in southwestern Slovenia on the Gulf of Piran on the Adriatic Sea. It is one of the three major towns of Slovenian Istria. The town is known for its medieval architecture, with narrow streets and compact houses. Piran is the administrative seat of the Municipality of Piran and one of Slovenias major tourist attractions.
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高雄三鳳宮高掛的紅色燈籠真的是太壯觀了,而且愈夜愈美麗,愈夜整片通紅,構圖超級漂亮,難怪高雄三鳳宮也是不少熱愛攝影朋友們的取景地。 其中站在2樓涼亭,居高臨下感受更是震撼。 更棒的是,高雄三鳳宮內的走廊。
《易經》記載:「一命二運三風水,四積功德五讀書。 六名七相八敬神,九交貴人十養生,十一擇業與擇偶,十二趨吉要避凶。」周易一、命:出生時間(先天之命)命由天。